To Kaitlyn and Angel

As we are about to enter the last month of our time here, this week we checked a few items off the bucket list. First, rock climbing, with a friend from the university who represented team USA. She invited us into her world, we gave it our all, and happily watched her effortlessly jump up the wall. Next, I accompanied Mallory as she got a tattoo. I experienced the process for the first time and more so with the friendly Argentine artist. Lastly, we went to the Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo (National Museum of Decorative Arts), a mansion full of sculptures, tapestries, and paintings.

This past weekend we had volunteer service for our course Urban Inequalities in Latin America. We worked with the nonprofit organization Módulo Sanitario to build bathrooms for families that need them. I got some much-needed practice drilling, hammering, sawing, and painting. It was such a beautiful experience, seeing a lovely family make the most of their situation and being able to make it better. As much as I am enjoying myself here, I am missing some monumental occasions at home. Congratulations to my sister Kaitlyn on graduating college and Happy 22nd Birthday Angel!

To Mom and Mallory

At the beginning of class my professor reminded us that we are entering the last month and a half of the semester, and I can’t believe it. With this comes the exams, essays, and presentations, but needless to say we are enjoying the calm before the storm. A friend traveling to Brazil and myself to Iguazu, out of an abundance of caution, received the yellow fever vaccine. We experienced the small clinic, kind medics, and free public healthcare. We also delivered snacks and toys to the families at the Ronald McDonald house, a nonprofit organization that supports families while their children receive medical care.

On the other hand, we celebrated my housemate’s birthday, shout-out to Mallory! We felt right at home in the movie theater once again, funky carpets and all, as we watched the new Guardians of the Galaxy. Then we enjoyed a pottery night, a party organized by our host mom, and some late-night festivities. Lastly, on Sunday, I celebrated Mother’s Day virtually with my mom at home as well as early with my host mom as Argentina’s is in October.

Cycling Around the City

Happy May! And happy indeed because midterms have passed. The last week has consisted of unwinding and enjoying fall in the city under the color changing leaves. We watched La extorsión in theaters, an Argentine movie starring well known native actor Guillermo Francella, with a handful of pochoclo, our equivalent of kettle corn. I browsed the handmade goods at the Recoleta Fair and purchased some gifts to bring back home.

On May 1 we experienced Labor Day along with most countries, which also happened to be a friend’s birthday, so we joined locals in the bustling park for a picnic. Later in the week we rented EcoBicis, city bikes, and rode around the Ecological Reserve. Afterwards we wandered out of Puerto Madero, modern skyscrapers along the water, and stumbled into San Telmo, brick buildings and cobblestone streets. The more time I spend here the smaller the city feels.